classM has invested in three African subsidiaries producing and distributing local fruit and vegetables for local markets. In Cameroon with Agro Sourcing Logistics, in Gabon with La Clé des Champs, and in Uganda and Kenya with Pure Grow Africa.

This first phase of investment has enabled us to refine an agricultural development model in partnership with local farmers. Neither contract farming nor in-house production, our hybrid organisation is a form of cooperative. We support and sometimes even pre-finance farmers in setting up highly profitable production and provide them with outlets.

classM’s three subsidiaries employ nearly 200 people directly, but give work to thousands of farmers. We produce and sell local produce (tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, manioc, watermelon, etc) for local markets (supermarkets, catering, restaurants, hotels, street vendors). Our teams sort, package and distribute the products to international standards.

In this way, we are helping to boost African agriculture and improve food safety in the countries where we operate.

Visit the websites of our subsidiaries: